
Posts for the month of November 2012

Server updated

Software of the main server has just been updated; please report if you find any problem in the website or other services.

freeDiameter 1.1.5

freeDiameter release 1.1.5 has just been tagged in the repository. It can be downloaded from our Mercurial repository here: (tag: 1.1.5)

This new release contains contributions from several people, thanks to all the contributors! It is mostly a bug fix release, which adds compatibility with the OS X platform. Please check the [source:freeDiameter/contrib/debian/changelog changelog] for detailed information.

Debian and Ubuntu packages are available, check this page for more information. Pre-built packages for other distributions might also be available, as described here.

As usual, our mailing-list is open to your questions and remarks.

Thank you for your interest in freeDiameter The freeDiameter team.