freeDiameter - Blog About freeDiameter en-US Trac freeDiameter Website cleanup sdecugis Thu, 02 Mar 2023 13:58:16 GMT <p> Hi, </p> <p> Long overdue cleanup of the website done today: </p> <ul><li>removed the references to the source code here, the development happens now in github (link at the top). </li><li>idem for the ticket system, please use github. </li><li>added a link to a book that explains both Diameter protocol and freeDiameter, for more details for those who are interested. </li></ul><p> The mailing-list is not active anymore, please use github tickets instead. Thanks ! </p> Moving code to github sdecugis Thu, 05 Aug 2021 16:30:51 GMT <p> Finally after many requests, it is done ! The code is moving to github platform here: <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> <p> All future code updates and releases will be done there, as well as future announcements. Please refer to that URL for further updates. </p> <p> Thank you ! </p> Version 1.5.0 frozen sdecugis Tue, 06 Oct 2020 13:44:03 GMT <p> Version 1.5.0 wis now tagged in the repository. The source code of this release can directly be downloaded using this link: ​​​​<a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a>. </p> <p> This release contains numerous improvements from great contributors; thanks a lot to Thomas and Luke for your continuous work on this stack ! </p> <p> As the number of changes is quite long, I invite you to read from the changelog file directly here: <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> <p> We also got our first security advisory CVE-2020-6098 / TALOS-2020-1030 which is fixed in this release. Thanks a lot for the researchers who contacted me before releasing the description and gave me enough time to push a fix. </p> <p> Thank you for your interest in freeDiameter ! </p> <p> The freeDiameter team. </p> release Version 1.4.0 available sdecugis Sun, 29 Mar 2020 12:48:24 GMT <p> Version 1.4.0 was tagged in the repository a few months ago. The source code of this release can directly be downloaded using this link: ​​​<a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a>. </p> <p> This new version comes with quite a number of changes: </p> <ul><li>New API: fd_fifo_set_max to change the capacity of a queue. </li><li>New configuration stanza for Relays: <a class="missing wiki">ProcessingPeersPattern?</a> and <a class="missing wiki">ProcessingPeersMinimum?</a> </li><li>New configuration stanza for scalability: <a class="missing wiki">RoutingInThreads?</a> and <a class="missing wiki">RoutingOutThreads?</a> </li><li>some coding style cleanups </li><li>Improvements on rt_load_balance algorithm </li><li>Improvements on logging &amp; locking behaviors </li><li>More tolerant to invalid messages and answers. </li><li>Improvements on shutdown behaviors. </li><li>test_ccload: new extension: generates random Credit-Control-Requests and counts how many are answered/give an error/get no answer. Start it with SIGUSR2, stop it with a second SIGUSR2. Statistics are printed on exit. </li><li>test_cc: new extension. Automatically replies to Credit-Control-Requests. Copies minimally necessary data from the Request. </li><li>Fixed testcnx failing due to expired CA certificate </li></ul><p> Thanks a lot to the contributors who continue to work and improve this stack! </p> <p> Thank you for your interest in freeDiameter ! </p> <p> The freeDiameter team. </p> freeDiameter 1.3.2 released sdecugis Sun, 02 Jun 2019 14:37:49 GMT <p> Version 1.3.2 has been tagged in the repository. The source code of this release can directly be downloaded using this link: ​​<a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a>. </p> <p> This new version adds better compilation compatibility with a wider range of system versions and improvements to the whitelist extension (acl_wl). </p> <p> Note: 1.3.1 was exactly the same as 1.3.0 but fixes a version number problem only... </p> <p> Thank you for your interest in freeDiameter ! </p> <p> The freeDiameter team. </p> Diameter: New Generation AAA Protocol - Design, Practice, and Applications sdecugis Sat, 18 May 2019 07:52:13 GMT <p> A new book about the Diameter protocol was just published: </p> <p> <a style="padding:0; border:none" href=""><img src="" alt="book.jpg" crossorigin="anonymous" title="book.jpg" /></a> </p> <p> <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>Diameter: New Generation AAA Protocol - Design, Practice, and Applications</a> </p> <p> The reason to mention it here: this book discusses about freeDiameter in particular, and comes with a pre-built virtual machine image that contains a ready-for-use freeDiameter environment. Quite a good starting point for any freeDiameter enthusiast. </p> book freeDiameter 1.3.0 sdecugis Sat, 18 May 2019 07:31:46 GMT <p> Version 1.3.0 was tagged in the repository. The source code of this release can directly be downloaded using this link: ​<a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a>. </p> <p> Many thanks to Thomas Klausner for his contribution of several important extensions. </p> <p> Thank you for your interest in freeDiameter The freeDiameter team. </p> release Another downtime... sdecugis Sun, 05 Jun 2016 16:25:50 GMT <p> Hi, </p> <p> You may have noticed that the domain was down for a while; the primary server has actually physically relocated to a new home... And it took some time to get all back online! </p> <p> Let us know if you experience any issue now that the server is back... </p> <p> Apology for the inconvenience~ Sebastien </p> website